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From this screen you connect to a car. Here all status and trouble codes information of the cars OBD system will be presented in structured tables.

Diagnostic Trouble Codes
moDiag lets you read and erase the diagnostic trouble codes stored by the vehicle. OBD-2 trouble codes will be translated into plain text. With newer cars (fronm 2010 on) moDiag also reads the so called permanent trouble codes (Mode 0A).

Freeze Frames
When an emissions related trouble code is stored by the ECU, also a set of parameters will be stored showing the sensor data at the moment the trouble codes was stored. moDiag lets you read out those so called freeze frame data.

O2 sensor test results
On the O2-Sensor tab you can read out the test results of the onboard monitor for the O2 sensors. Note: not all vehicles support this mode! They may report the O2-sensor test results on the next tab!

Live data
moDiag ultimate will read and visualize all available live data from the OBD2 system. The data can be shown in a table, circular gauges, plotters or even as a 3D surface diagram.

The large gauges allow you to read the live data in a comfortable manner. The integrated digital displays show the exact value. You can customize "red" ranges for each sensor.

To visualize the change of live data over time you can use the diagrams. The two plotters have six channels each. The data can be logged to a *.csv-file, allowing you to re-use it in a spred sheet program.

3D Map
A unique feature is the recording of three sensors as a 3D map. The 3D surface diagram can be rotated, zoomed and saved for use in other applications.

This special display lets you visualize sensor data as a diagram and simultaneously shows the actual value in a digital display. Additionally an average curve of the observed parameter can be shown in the diagram. Up to six parameters can be observed in this way. The display can be fully scaled and positioned. The special feature: this display always stays in the foreground thus enabling you to work with other Windows programs (e.g. LPG-adjustment software) while observing the parameters of the engines control unit.

Here you can store and manage the vehicle´s / customers data. The database allows for a complete documentation not only for LPG conversions but also for diagnostic reports and logged data for the vehicle under test.